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Page Rank Update (Unexpected): December 2013

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At last after 10 months, Google has rolled out an unexpected PageRank update yesterday(6th DEC 2013). Last Page rank update was on 4th February 2013.

This is really an unexpected Update. Many webmaster didn't expected that the PageRank update would happened within 2013. Just a couple months ago Matt Cutts said he would be surprised to see an update to Google Toolbar PageRank by the end of this year.

Google Pagerank Update On 6th December 2013

Even through it is an surprise update. I'm happy with this update. After a long time Page Rank for BTNT is increased from PR3 to PR4. BTNT got PR3 on November 2012. After that there has been no change in the PR of BTNT.
I'm happy to announce, Now BlogTipsNTricks is a Page Rank 4 Blog. :D

What is your Page Rank?

You can Check your Page Rank here

Previous Page Rank Updates

Google updates Toolbar Pagerank every 3 or so months:
  • December 5, 2013
  • February 4, 2013
  • November 7, 2012
  • August 2, 2012
  • May 3, 2012
  • February 7, 2012
  • November 7, 2011
  • August 5, 2011
  • July 18, 2011
  • June 27, 2011
  • January 20, 2011
  • April 2, 2010
  • December 30, 2009
  • October 30, 2009
  • June 27, 2009
  • May 27, 2009
  • April 1, 2009

Is Page Rank Really Important?

After the introduction of Google authorship and the long gap in PR update, many webmaster started to think Google has dropped the Page Rank. But yesterday’s update indicates that Toolbar PageRank is not dead.

Google Page Rank is one of many factors taken into account by Google’s search algorithm it’s important not to obsess over it too much. But, Considering the current Google Update, it still has some value in measuring the overall quality of the links pointed to your site.

Has your site’s PageRank changed in this update? Let me know in the comments section.


  1. Hi,

    PR Has a Very important role in Blogging!! But in 2013 only twice it has been rolled out. But different algorithms has been rolled out by Google. I thinks these delayed in rolling out PR !! MY Blog PR 1 (From N/A ) :D :D

    1. Sergey Brin never gonna take out this factor from Google... Is your son.

  2. Hi Bro,

    Yes, That may be true especially Google Authorship is a major one.

    Congrats Bro. :)

  3. Thanks for informing. I got page rank 1. I was sure google would update page rank soon but not in 2013. I had to make some dofollow external links nofollow but could not do that for my business. My page rank could be more higher if I did so. Am I right?

    1. Hi Abdul, Congrats. :)

      Yeah, You're right. Also try to get some high PR Backlinks.

  4. I am very happy brother. You are going great and my 6 month old blog got page rank 2. :) :)

  5. Hi bro,

    My site www.tozilnutpam.com got a page rank 2/10 :D it is so good to see .. all thanks to you for placing a back link on your template ..

    Looking forward to work more with you :D

    1. Hi bro,

      I'm Glad, Congrats bro. Now That template got more than 3.2K downloads. :D

      It's a Pleasure to work with you.

    2. I have email you, but no respond, ..please respond my question .. .

      hope full

  6. Hi Chandeep J,

    Congratulation for achieving Google page rank 4 and Thanks for your new and hot information about Google Page Rank Update December 2013 .

    I am very happy because, my site www.ghior.com got a page rank 1/10 (From N/A ) and my another site www.mybloggerblog.com got page rant 3/10 (From N/A ).

    Md. Atiqur Rahman (atik)

  7. Great Chandeep, PR 4 is super relevant. Good Job.
    The Page Rank is the first and historical ranking factor of Google.
    Sergey Brin never gonna take out this factor from Google... Is your son.

  8. Firstly congratulations for the new one. But i lost my page rank 3 to 1 after a long time period.
    But thanks for the update.

  9. Nice to see new posts in btnt after a long time :)

  10. Yes this update was really very good for bloggers, as i was also crying for higher PR for a long time and now Google has rewarded me with PR 3 as it was 1 and it got PR 3 directly. Google has also rewarded my second blog with PR 2 which was 0 before this update. I know that the PR depends on the number of backlinks of your site but they should be very good in quality, my first blog www.cyberockk.com has only 70+ backlinks but it's PR is 3 and my second blog www.myfoodforu.com has only 40+ backlinks and it's PR is 2. I have seen many blogs which has thousands of backlinks but they don't have any PR or it's very low. So if you got quality backlinks related to your blog niche your PR will increase definitely...

    1. Great Rizwan. This is the powerful tip, and i want to add something.
      If your blog talk about videos, find backlinks from blogs and sites about video.
      If you blog talk about shopping, find blogs about shopping. And so on...
      A good backlink have engagement with your content.

      A engaged Nofollow link is better than an aleatory Dofollow link.

    2. Yes @FELIPE, i agree with you, and FELIPE you won't believe but i have got these PR in just 8 to 9 months.

  11. Important thing in blogging are backlink and quality articles :D

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think the most important thing of your blog is good and quality articles, if you provide good quality articles on your blog people will automatically start sharing and linking your posts to there websites and definitely you will get some quality backlinks from your quality articles..

  12. @TECHFIQ.COM, this type of message will never get you any Backlinks for your site you are just wasting your time, so please don't mess here by leaving useless comments. Thanks.

  13. omg my site http://recentautocar.com last have 2 pagerank now be down .

  14. now i see what hapeen page rank is lost on my site http://www.blar-blar.com last have top 4 now be 0

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. First congratzz .I like your blog design very much it is simple ,responsive and yet attractive.

  17. why u stopped posting.. ur tricks are even awesome broo........

  18. Why the page rank of http://www.blogmat.net is still nil

  19. Hello, Chandeep J,Congratulation for Gives Your Exclusive Brain Idea With Share to All Reader. A Have No Page Rank In Alexa At Desk2Blog.Com


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