Spice Up Your Blogger Blog with Custom Designed Templates - BTNT Services!

Ravia - A Responsive Blogger Template

On By // 67 comments
This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Ravia a Responsive Blogger Theme
Hi Guys, After publishing the Siril blogger theme, Now we are successfully entering the second week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!!

Today, I'm Happy to Introduce a brand new gallery theme, Ravia - A Responsive Blogger Template. Ravia is an Elegant Gallery style blogger template with Custom features like Automatic Feature Post Widget, Cool Popular Post Widget and Inbuilt Social Share buttons, etc.
You can see a live demo below for a better understanding. ;)

The main Features of Ravia - A Responsive Blogger Template

  • Nice and Clean Design
  • Responsive Theme Layout
  • Elegant Gallery Style Layout
  • SEO Optimized
  • Fast loading
  • Custom Automatic Featured Post Widget based on labels
  • Responsive Navigation Menu
  • Page navigation Widget
  • Stunning Threaded Comments Section
  • Customized heading tags (h1 to h6)
  • Custom Popular Post
  • Custom Label Cloud Widget
  • Inbuilt Social Share buttons

Download Ravia a Responsive Blogger Template

How to Upload the Blogger Template

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Locate your Blog if you have more then one blog.
  2. Click on More Options Drop Down and choose Template
  3. Click on the Backup/Restore button on Top Right Corner
  4. Click on Download Full Template button to backup your Old template for safety
  5. Click the Browse button and locate Ravia a Responsive blogger template.
  6. Click on the Upload Button. And you are Done!

Customize the Navigation Menu

To customize the Navigation Menu, Follow the Instructions given below.
  1. On Blogger Dashboard, Go to Template > Edit HTML Button
  2. Search for the Following Code
    <!-- Main Menu -->
    After that you will see a Link list items Customize it your own.

Activate Automatic Featured Post Widget

We can activate the featured post widget using the layout page. To activate the featured post widget, Follow the Instructions given below.
  1. On Blogger Dashboard, Go to Layout > Click Edit On Featured Post Widget.
  2. Now, Just add the Name of the label you wish to show as the featured post. you can also create a separate label just to show the featured post.
    Note:- The label name must be added as is in the label link. Otherwise it won't work.
If you experience any difficulty in activating this widget, kindly let me know in comment section given below. :)

Customize the Social Profile Icons

Search for the Following Code
<!-- Social Profile Icon -->
After that you will see a Link list items, Customize it with your own social Profile links.

Terms and Conditions

Please follow our four simple terms and conditions before using this template. :)
  • You can Use this Template for Personal and Commercial Use.
  • You must keep the Footer links Intact. (Please Respect our hard work)
  • you can Re-Distribute but you must give us the credits and you must keep the footer links with out editing!
  • If you like the Template then Please Feel free to Share it!
Kindly Let me know your feedback about this theme in comments and please Share it with your friends. ;)

Next Theme on BTNT Weekly Special will be published on coming Sunday, 4th May.


== 29/4/2014 ==
+ Fixed Pacifico Header Font Bug.
== 23/5/2014 ==
+ Added Social Profile Icon Widget.
This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)


  1. Hey chandeep! glad to see the old chandeep back who was always active as you are right now! this template is very nice clean and responsive i like it but a little bug i think you forgot to remove the list style of comments!
    .comments li {list-style: none;}
    Hope it helped you!

    1. Hi Bro, Thanks for notifying, Glad you like it. :)

      Bug Fixed... :D

  2. oh!. amazing chandeep!... you are back again with new template.. thanks for this nice and very beautiful template.. it's amazing... i loved it.. i am looking forward for your upcoming posts.

    1. Thanks, More Awesome Stuffs coming.

      Stay Tuned... ;)

    2. not to mention thanks chandeep... i have some problem.. in my blog reply button is not working how to resolve that problem..

    3. I am using your template sensational.. on my blog... reply button is not working for me.. plz help me..

    4. Seems it's fixed now. ;)

      BTW Kindly ask Off Topic questions through Contact Page.

  3. As always you are back with another awesome responsive template. I liked the premium look hidden behind the template.


  4. Great news frohere.
    Congratulations for the good job.

  5. Can i change the color of template?
    I want blue color. How can i do that?
    And thanks for template :)

    1. Yeah, you can. :)

      To change the color search for #C15346 and replace it with #0099CC

  6. Chan please don't stop doing this ever :-)

  7. Hello, This is my first time using one of your templates and I love it. I am a novice in html and have a quick question. I am trying to activate my featured post. Can you give me an example of what the label should look like?

    1. Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks!

    2. Oh! Glad for that, Thanks for using Ravia.

      Feel Free to contact in future if you found any bugs/errors ;)

  8. hi, I love this template, but I can't make the posts and round images appear under 'feature posts'
    "Note:- The label name must be added as is in the label link. Otherwise it won't work." If the link is
    http://xxxxxxxx.blogspot.gr/search/label/review it means that I should use the word "review"? It doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong here?

    1. You're doing everything right, Can you give me a screenshot of the widget content area(where you added the label name). or the exact label link you wish to show as the featured post.

      Thanks. :)

  9. I did not understand how to put the popular entries. At least I tried and failed.


    1. Hi Allison,

      The popular post widgets are already visible and works fine on your sidebar. Can't get you?

      Can you explain the problem you're experiencing.

      Thanks - Chandeep

  10. Hello brother thanks for your awesome templatess please teeell me how to put adsense code above and below post aand a 720*90 leaderboard at the top pls help without adsense I cant use this template effectively

    1. Hi Swadin,

      Thanks for using my themes :)

      To add the adsense just follow these steps.

      1) For below post title search for the following line and add the adsense code before it

      <div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; + data:post.id'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

      2) To add below post search for the following and add the adsense code after it.

      <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

      3) Leaderboard at top means? Can you be more specific? :)

      Thanks :)

  11. Hi Chandeep,
    Thank you very much for this template
    I use it for my blog in Arabic
    I have a problem if you can please help me with it
    how can I show more posts in the home page?

    1. this is my blog: www.kal-ima.blogspot.com

  12. Hello Chandeep!
    Impressive job done. Hats off. I want to ask you is, Do you own any copyrights on 'FEATURED POSTS' widget?

  13. hello! I used your template! it is great! but I can not run FEATURED POSTS

    thanks :)

    1. you have to edit with one of your label in its html!

  14. how can I show the labels after posts, i already do that in the blog posts in the layout area & thanks for awesomeness ^__^

  15. sorry when i post something, the image seems very fat how can i solve it?

  16. Hi guy!
    Thanks for your template! I very very like this. But I get a trouble, the image at home page not appeare. Could you help me, please!
    My blog: Http:www.tuithichviet.com

  17. I keep searching for the Main Menu using Command F, but I can't find it. I've tried to look manually and no luck. I know I'm missing the obvious. Please help!

  18. plz code FEATURED POSTS

  19. Hello, Chandeep! So sorry, I'm a new blogger. :) Hmm, how can I configure the menus with my own menus? Kind of like pages. And also the social media widget. For example, can I add Instagram account? Thanks so much before! :)

  20. Hi Chandeep, really nice template! I was just wondering how I could resize the images of the articles when on the home page (I use a lot of vertical pics and they are resized to a square image, with completely changes the ratio of the image...)
    Hope you can help!

  21. Hi chandeep, thanks for the template which is awsome. I have tried to use featured post but it does not work, what should i put in the featured post content?

    And how can i show more post at the homepage, below the featured post?


  22. Hello Frndz....
    Nice Blog....
    I am read your post. It is very useful information for web design services. Thanks for the sharing this Blog. It is very useful professional knowledge.

  23. Hello Sir !! I am facing from problem in your template.It may be miss any DIV ib your template.Plese tellme how to solve it.I love your templates,Plese check and tell me what is error..


  24. Hi, i loved this template so much, i wanna know if is it possible to change the background color? if Yes, how?

  25. This is awesome post. thanks

  26. Hi Mr Chandeep, I like this template. I used for my blog, but at the home was no showed like at demo. It is my blog http://www.berita2populer.com. I set the number of post 6 posts at the home. But no shown like the demo. Please, i will wait your reply.

  27. This is what i got after i tried to upload the theme...............
    We were unable to save your template.
    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure that all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message:
    Content is not allowed in prolog.

    pls any solution?

  28. Hi there,

    Thanks for your great sharing, I love this template.
    Could you please indicate more about activating the 'Featured Post' widget? thank you very much.

  29. Hi,

    I've solved the problem to activate featured post widget because I forgot to make my blog be published.
    Please ignore my previous question, thanks !


    1. Hello can you help me how to get a working featured post widget

    2. Hi Nihar,

      To activate featured post widget, just place the label name on the widget content area

  30. Hi Chandeep J

    Please guide me activate featured posts. Thank you very much.

    Link: toidaopho.com

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. i want change background. can u help me????

  33. I want created sus-main menu. and result here http://pasionateguitarqb.blogspot.com/. please hlep me? i want menu beautyful

  34. Hi pal, how are you doing? i really commend you for all your great works... pls can you explain to me how to activate the featured post on ravia template?i dont get the grammar on ur instructions. thanks.

    1. Hi buddy, Sorry for the delayed response, I just moderated my comments and noticed all your comments/questions.

      To Activate the featured post on ravia just add the name of the label on the featured post widget area and click save.

      For Example: if this is the label link http://www.blogtipsntricks.com/search/label/freebies


      is the label, just add it in the featured post widget area. :)

  35. also pls how do i add related post to it??

    1. To add related post search for <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'/>

      now replace the above code with the following code
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
      <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'>
      <!-- Your Related post code here -->


      Now paste the related post code after <!-- Your Related post code here -->

      and Save your template. All Done. :D

  36. Please i need ur help..my blogpost are not in order.. kelvinenter.blogspot.com

  37. hello blogger....i have got an issue with the theme...
    in html code of the template i made feature post as false and it is not visible now how to make it true...
    have a look at http://www.newtrendzzz.com

  38. Hi, I need help table on post, why no work? what is css and html for this template.

  39. How to add a (download now) button like this blog ? i am using ravia.


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