Spice Up Your Blogger Blog with Custom Designed Templates - BTNT Services!

Wizz - A Responsive Blogger Template

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This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Wizz a Responsive Blogger Theme
We're successfully entering Fourth week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!! Series. This Time I'm Going to Publish Wizz - A Responsive blogger Template.

Wizz is a 3 Column Elegant looking Theme with a Custom Opt-In Form on the top right side of the sidebar. It has custom features like Two Responsive Navigation Menus, Custom Profile Icon Widget, Etc.
You can see a live demo below. ;)

The main Features of Wizz - A Responsive Blogger Template

  • Nice and Clean Design
  • 3 Column layout
  • Responsive Theme Layout
  • Elegant look
  • SEO Optimized
  • Fast loading Theme
  • Responsive Navigation Menus
  • Custom About me widget
  • Page navigation Widget
  • Custom Social Profile Icons
  • Stunning Threaded Comments Section
  • Customized heading tags (h1 to h6)
  • Opt-in subscribe form in Sidebar
  • Custom Forms

Download Wizz a Responsive Blogger Template

How to Upload the Blogger Template

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Locate your Blog if you have more then one blog.
  2. Click on More Options Drop Down and choose Template
  3. Click on the Backup/Restore button on Top Right Corner
  4. Click on Download Full Template button to backup your Old template for safety
  5. Click the Browse button and locate Wizz a Responsive blogger template.
  6. Click on the Upload Button. And you are Done!


These are basic steps you need to follow for each customization.
  1. On New Blogger Dashboard Go to Template > Edit HTML Button

Customize the Main Navigation Menu (Navigation Menu Below the Header)

Search for the Following Code
<!-- Main Menu -->
After that you will see a Link list items, Customize it your own.

Customize the Side Navigation Menu (Navigation Menu on the Left Sidebar Top)

Search for the Following Code
<!-- Side Menu -->
After that you will see a Link list items, Customize it your own.

Customize Opt-In Email form (Subscribe form on the Right Sidebar Top)

  1. Search for <!-- Opt-In Subscribe --> code
  2. After that you will see the codes for email form. In the form you have to replace chandeepsblogtips with your feedburner Id, Two times. (You'll find two chandeepsblogtips on the widget)
    The username for your feed can be found at the end of your feed URL.For example our feedburner URL is http://feeds.feedburner.com/chandeepsblogtips, with chandeepsblogtips as the username.
  3. Now change the headline and description of the subscription widgets with your own words. (if you have any query feel free to leave a comment below)

Customize the Social Profile Icon (Social Icons on the left Sidebar Bottom)

Search for the Following Code
<!-- Social Profile Icon -->
After that you will see a Link list items, Customize it with your own social Profile links.

Terms and Conditions

Please follow our four simple terms and conditions before using this template. :)
  • You can Use this Template for Personal and Commercial Use.
  • You must keep the Footer links Intact. (Please Respect our hard work)
  • you can Re-Distribute but you must give us the credits and you must keep the footer links with out editing!
  • If you like the Template then Please Feel free to Share it!
Kindly Let me know your feedback about this theme in comment and please Share it with your friends. ;)
This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)


  1. IT's really awesome chandeep

  2. Side by side with Elice.
    This is the most perfect theme for blogger.

    I love the menu and the subscribe box...


  3. Thanks a lot for Beautiful Template

  4. Cool Template.. By any chance do you know the template iftiseo . com is using?

    1. HI, Babs

      I'm the owner of iftiseo and yes we are using elice template :)

    2. Hi Babs, Yes, It's Elice Theme you can download it here. http://www.blogtipsntricks.com/2013/07/elice-responsive-blogger-template.html

      Hi Iftekhar, Thanks for using elice theme :)

  5. Hey Chandeep , great template. But that side menu eats a lot of space When i upload the blogger template, instead of 3 coloums 2 coloumns appear . Why is it so? And By the way how to edit that popular posts widget and make fonts bigger.
    And one last request. How to make that newsletter subscription box into google plus add me to circles widget. Please help me out.

    1. Hi Ayash, The Reason is because of your screen resolution, this is a responsive theme. Due to that the left sidebar will go to the bottom of the page when the screen resolution is below than 1165px.

      To Edit the Popular post widget. Search for .popular-posts ul li below that add font-size: 18px;

      You can change the 18px with your own size.

      To replace subscribtion box to Google+ widget search for <!-- Opt-In Subscribe --> below that you'll find the code for subscribe form replace it with your Google+ widget code.

      That's all, Thanks for using Wizz. :)

  6. Thanks, Its really really awesome...!

  7. Wow great, easy to use. thanks

  8. Thanks, Chandeep! Great content!

  9. Hola amigo, agradezco mucho tu recurso, lo instalé en www.diegoblog.co y ha quedado de la mejor manera. De nuevo, muchas gracias por tus buenos desarrollos y diseños.

  10. Thanks Everyone! Glad you Guys like it :D

    And Hi Diego, Thanks for using it in your blog (Next time kindly use English to comment)

    Thanks again Everyone...

    1. Indeed,
      What happens is I do not know English. But I will do my best.
      I will be very attentive to your blog, you have the best content.

    2. Oh! Okay, In that case no problem. I'll use Google translate ;)

      Thanks, Glad to have you here. Much appreciated ^_^

  11. hi dude can you tell me how to change the colour of background of news letter
    also how

  12. hello can you please help me???

    1. Hi, Sorry for the Delay.

      To change background color for newsletter, Search for .sidebar #HTML102

      After that you'll find background: #000; Now replace #000 with your color and click save.

      All Done... ;)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Please help me Chandeep, even if there are many comments on posts, it is not appearing on home page. It is always saying 'with 0 comments'. This will ruin my blog if it continues. People will think mine is a useless blog and that's why there are no comments. Pls, pls help me! My blog is knivedat.blogspot.com

    I am using Google+ commenting...

    1. Hi! Krishnaputra Nivedat ...I have a problem that you apparently don't have : The «Email Newsletter» ¡I can't get it to work! —How do I get my FeedBurner? , please
      My blog is tallerdealebrijes.blogspot.mx

    2. OH! I did it!! -
      Thanks anyway :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I have tried lots of templates but this suits me best .
    Truly i will give credit to its creator.

  17. The template is awesome. But I just need a bit of help.

    I want to increase the height of the image size of the posts appearing in the home page. Else only half of my images are seen.

    Also, I want to know the resolution of the logo part, so that I can compress my logo image accordingly!


  18. wow awesome theme ever

  19. Hi Chandeep,

    I would like to add social profile icons, which are Instagram and Tumblr. Can you teach me how to do it, or provide the coding for me to add in?

    I never learned programming before, I just learn as I do it - so kindly show step by step. Thank you! :)

  20. Hi Using You Template
    But : on my blog post on the porch there is only one category posted my intent to an existing post categories on the home page only appears 1 piece just finished posting the other category does not appear on the homepage. Can you help me?

  21. Hi Friend, Great contribution for providing themes for new bloggers.

  22. Hi how to add a header image instead of blog title. thank you in advance

  23. ThanksChandeep J . Already solved it. Regards!!!


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