Spice Up Your Blogger Blog with Custom Designed Templates - BTNT Services!

Ozura - A Responsive Blogger Template

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This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Ozura a Responsive Blogger Theme
After Publishing Siril blogger theme, Today I've come up with another Cool Minimal style Theme. The Blogger Theme I'm going to publish on this fifth week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!! is Ozura - A Responsive blogger Template.

Ozura is a 2 Column Flat style Minimal Theme with cool widgets like Custom Opt-In Subscribe Form, Custom Popular Post widget and Share Buttons on post pages, etc.
You can see a live demo below. ;)

The main Features of Ozura - A Responsive Blogger Template

  • Nice and Clean Design
  • Responsive Theme Layout
  • Minimal look
  • SEO Optimized
  • Fast loading Theme
  • Responsive Navigation Menus
  • Custom About me widget
  • Page navigation Widget
  • Custom Popular Post Widget
  • Stunning Threaded Comments Section
  • Customized heading tags (h1 to h6)
  • Opt-in subscribe form in Sidebar
  • Custom Forms
  • Custom Share buttons on Post Pages

Download Ozura a Responsive Blogger Template

How to Upload the Blogger Template

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Locate your Blog if you have more then one blog.
  2. Click on More Options Drop Down and choose Template
  3. Click on the Backup/Restore button on Top Right Corner
  4. Click on Download Full Template button to backup your Old template for safety
  5. Click the Browse button and locate Ozura a Responsive blogger template.
  6. Click on the Upload Button. And you are Done!


These are basic steps you need to follow for each customization.
  1. On New Blogger Dashboard Go to Template > Edit HTML Button

Customize the Main Navigation Menu

Search for the Following Code
<!-- Main Menu -->
After that you will see a Link list items, Customize it your own.

Customize Opt-In Email form

  1. Search for <!-- Opt-In Subscribe --> code
  2. After that you will see the codes for email form. In the form you have to replace chandeepsblogtips with your feedburner Id, Two times. (You'll find two chandeepsblogtips on the widget)
    The username for your feed can be found at the end of your feed URL.For example our feedburner URL is http://feeds.feedburner.com/chandeepsblogtips, with chandeepsblogtips as the username.
  3. Now change the headline and description of the subscription widgets with your own words. (if you have any query feel free to leave a comment below)

Customize the Social Profile Icons

Search for the Following Code
<!-- Social Profile Icon -->
After that you will see a Link list items, Customize it with your own social Profile links.

Terms and Conditions

Please follow our four simple terms and conditions before using this template. :)
  • You can Use this Template for Personal and Commercial Use.
  • You must keep the Footer links Intact. (Please Respect our hard work)
  • you can Re-Distribute but you must give us the credits and you must keep the footer links with out editing!
  • If you like the Template then Please Feel free to Share it!
Kindly Let me know your feedback about this theme in comment and please Share it with your friends. ;)


== 23/5/2014 ==
+ Added Social Profile Icon Widget.
This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)


  1. Another awesome work, Love it.

  2. it's really awesome template... i loved it...

  3. Why are you so amazing bro. Great job on this theme. I love it. I think you should created a new site that make blogger templates and allow others to submit their works. Hit me up if you have that kind of project. Thanks

  4. Muito bonito! Parabéns!!!

  5. Perfeito! Ótimo trabalho!

    Perfect! Great Work!

  6. Dear Chan,

    This is one of the best templates you have ever created. Really cool. I am using it at my blog priyasdietcorner.com. I faced one problem though; the facebook like button is not appearing in the posts (no problems with twitter and google plus buttons).

    1. Thanks Bro, Glad you use it. Much appreciated.

      The Social share button works fine on my end. Can you send a screenshot regarding the issue. :)

      Thanks Again...

  7. Hi Chandeep,

    I love this template?

    Is it possible for me to change the background color in HTML? How would I be able to do this?



    1. Hi Vicki,

      Thanks for using Ozura.

      To change the background color search for body { background: #16a085;

      Now change #16a085 with your Hex color code.


  8. I don't see the link list options to change the page categories. There's no pages listed to change.
    There's also no where to replace the feedburner url for the subscribe box.

    1. Before searching for the code click inside the html editor then press CTRL+F

      Now you'll see a search bar inside the top right corner of the html editor.

      Use that search bar to find <!-- Main Menu -->

      Below that you can edit the link list. Thanks :)

  9. Your templates are pretty awesome man. Thank you soo much :)

  10. Thanks Everyone! Glad you guys like it.

    Thanks again for your support. I'll do my best by designing nice templates. ^_^

  11. Hi Chandeep bro yet again with a awsome template. I have been using two to three of your templates in my blogs can u please tell me how i can put my adsense ad in them
    1 below post title
    2 below post
    3 and a 720*90 llleaderboard at top

    1. Hi Swadin,

      Thanks for using my themes :)

      To add the adsense just follow these steps.

      1) For below post title search for the following line and add the adsense code before it

      <div class='post-body entry-content' expr:id='&quot;post-body-&quot; + data:post.id'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

      2) To add below post search for the following and add the adsense code after it.

      <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

      3) At top mean? Can you explain? :)


  12. HI Chandeep,
    i really appreciate your work for blogger responsive template.and i like this one.
    But one thing i noticed that every template you created with "E-mail subcription link" and each time any user subscribe my blog it will actually subscribe your blog not mine.any solution for it?

    1. Kindly follow the instruction given above to configure the Opt-in Email Subscription form.

      Thanks :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  16. wonderful .. I'm already using. webdepot wore the Templateism.com.

    Only I changed the album's title to "capitalize" to "initial" and put the images of the post to be full size (640px) on the inputs.

    question: how to change the number of posts to each page? used the code but does not work. is posível incorporate the social networks embedded below the text?

    my blog: http://pastorclaudiosampaio.blogspot.com.br/

    1. You can change it on blogger layout page. Thanks for using Ozura. :)

  17. mas, plase tutorial Menu Drop Down in Blogspot this template

    iam from indonesia

    1. Sorry currently it's not available. I'll try to add it in future update. Thanks :)

    2. I have added the menu dropdown. In case you want just go to this link and view the source code...

      Hi Chandeep,

      I have facing issue where i am not seeing comment box and also older comments for a blog post. Can you help me in getting this fixed, please.



  18. Hello,I have put the template "Ozura" and wanted to know how I could change the

  19. What a great template, mate!

    Can u help me?
    I'm using this template on my blog, but my 3 posts dont show up.

  20. hello.. i use this template on my blog hallyurookie.blogspot.com . can you help me. how i can add search box and related post on bottom post. thanks ..

    1. Hello @Arif Firman you can get the related post block here

    2. thx very much, i hope, can you edit update this ozura template with searching box please.

  21. Hi Chandeep. I was looking for a minimalist responsive template for blogger and I saw your design, Ozura. It was very stunning so I applied it to my blog. However, I am encountering a concern. I enabled the lightbox for my pictures and when I clicked on them, some page elements are also floating with pictures like- links and other pictures from the sidebar. I was hoping you can help.

    Here's the screenshots https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-fiGE_WESJTE/U6EPOKwjxUI/AAAAAAAABII/TnD_dJHwpjw/w1044-h478-no/blog1.png and after clicking the image https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-y50M1eOdmDw/U6EPPqjg2QI/AAAAAAAABIQ/a54262-8Px4/w1044-h478-no/blog2.png

    Have a great day Chandeeep and everyone. Thanks!

  22. Hi Chandeep, I also noticed the conflict with lightbox on your sample site. When you click the image and lightbox opens, the text links on the sidebar floats with the image.


    I was hoping you can help me with this concern, because I applied this theme to my blog. Thanks!

  23. Hi Chandeep,

    I have facing issue where i am not seeing comment box and also older comments for a blog post. Can you help me in getting this fixed, please.

    Here is the link of the post which has comments but not showing up......



  24. How to make a related posts with this template? Can you help us?

    It's so important. Thanks a bunch! :)

  25. Hello! I just found Ozura and I think it' a great template. I'm working on adjusting it to my blog.
    I have a question: is there any possibility to remove "Subscribe Via Mail" - I don't need it, especially when it's at the top of the page.
    Second question: is it possible to put into the template the footer like in Hola template. I tried to do it, but I doesn't work.
    I would be obliged for any response.
    Once again congrats and thank you for making it possible to use this beautiful template

  26. It's me again. I put some widgets to the template, but they don't display correctly.
    You can see how it looks like here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9gW1R7d8pvGUWJYeC1vU0ttRG8/edit?usp=sharing
    Any clue on how can I set it right? Could anyone help me with this?

  27. Hi Chandeep J Im gonna use this amazing template on a blog...but i would like to not have de read more...how can I take it? Thanks...keep the good work

  28. Nice template , Thanks and your doing good work.
    See here http://www.money99.in/

  29. Hello admin,I appreciate you lovely blog. Day by day mobile phones are using for various activities.Majority of masses is moving towards using internet through their mobile phones and this has increased the pressure for various business holders to move towards a responsive website.

  30. Hello admin, nica template .
    i have the problem. how i can change pinteres icon to instagram icon.
    thankz so much

  31. Hey how to add pages in footer

  32. One more thing the label isnt showing up as in your demo blog.

  33. How To Firsht Page In See 4-5 Post.....

  34. Hello chandeep plz help me and give a solution I install your theqm ozura but home page in only show 1 post.plz give me solution..plz. www.fast4lock.com

  35. wow..i really love it..keep up the good work bro

  36. Hello chandeep I'm using for Qzura Template .but today automatically menu bar hide .
    I'm using for this Template two site and both site menu bar automatically hide . please help .

  37. hey chandeep why the navigation menu and widgets subscribe to disappear from this template?

    1. It's because of a recent update in blogger.

      To fix it just go to your blog layout page, click edit in the widget which is not showing, type something and click save button. this will fix it. :)

  38. Hello chandeep , how re you ?
    I'm asking for you ?
    This Template automatically Navigation menu hide some day .
    Please help me . how to show menu bar this Template .

  39. First of all Thanks For such great post bro.. You did your best to provide it free for us its too good, actually i was looking something ohhh sorry same like this,,, but let me know you some templates are not downloading like zett, wizz, ozula please fix it, i tried with chrome and uc but all time ot show unsuccessful...Best wishes with you

  40. Heyy how to add drop down sub menu.....???


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